Sacre Bleu!

December 5, 2012 § Leave a comment

By dreamsjung on Flickr.

By dreamsjung on Flickr.

Stuck at an airport, having been dropped off earlier than initially intended, with nothing left to read, having read what I’d brought on my vacation already, I picked up Sacre Bleu by Christopher Moore. I was not disappointed. In fact, I was blown away. I’ve read other books by Moore before and have enjoyed them, particularly Lamb, but this book went above and beyond my hopes for airport entertainment.

Sacre Bleu tackles the mysterious death of Vincent van Gogh. Why would a man shoot himself in the chest and then go for help? Van Gogh’s friends, Lucien Lessard, baker-turned-painter, and scoundrel-with-a-heart-of-gold Toulouse Lautrec seek answers as they cross paths with mad cave-dwelling scientists, a dangerous Colorman, a beautiful and inspirational woman, painters of the era, and more. There is art history, intrigue, and romance. This novel has it all, as well as humour.

You can read the first two chapters online for free. Read it!

Borrow the whole book through Interlibrary Loans.

The Last Days of Vincent van Gogh.

“A tormented genius, van Gogh was only 37 when he shot himself at the scene of his last painting. This captivating program focuses on the final period of Vincent van Gogh’s life, from his relocation to Arles to his final move to Auvers-sur-Oise.” From Films on Demand.

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